
A Mobile Colour Art






Colour has held a secondary position in all the arts into which it enters, or has only been used jointly with other means of appealing to the senses emotions- and it has been more or less associated with form. There is no reason why a great colour art analogous to the art of music should be developed. Colour-Music, or the Art of Mobile Colour, is the art which fills this gap. That the development of a pure colour art of this kind has been so long delayed in the history of the world has probably due to the fact that, although colour is capable of providing almost as such pleasure and interest as sound and has quite as great, or even greater, prower of appealing to the emotions, it is a far more difficult matter to devise an instrument suitable for the production of colour and for placing it under the control of an executant, than to construct one fort the production of musical sound.


Alexander Wallace Rimington, Colour Music. The Art of Mobile Colour, Hutchinson, 01/01/1912, Londra
tipologia Trattati e altre fonti teoriche
ambito Arti performative


p. 2


Colour Music (Eng)

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Clavilux (Eng)