The most closely associated color way or harmony[...]
The most closely associated color way or harmony is an analogous color scheme. An analogous group is any three hues directly next to each other on the color wheel […]. In the twelve-step color wheel, yellow-green, green and blue-green are analogous. As the color wheel gets larger, the range within an analogous grouping can become much more limited. […] We tend to think of these color ways as working only with paint and pigments, but they are also used in other forms of art, from performance to conceptual art. James Turrell used an analogous scheme in To be Sung […].
Steven Bleicher, Contemporary Color. Theory & Use, Delmar Cengage Learning, 01/01/2012, Clifton Park (NY)
Arti visive
p. 70
Analogous color scheme (Eng)
Color Harmonies (Eng)
Color Wheel, pigment, conceptual art, twelve-step color wheel, yellow-green, Green, blue-green