
Kinetic Art: The Kinoptic System






The Kinoptic system (from the Greek, kinis - motion and optiki -visual) permits projection of a kinetic light image from as little as 20 cm from a pictorial surface. It consists of four elements: A light source (a clear incandescent bulb) a fixed polished sheet-aluminum reflector, a rotating polished sheet-aluminum reflector, and a synchronous-type electric motor to rotate element. These parts are contained in a box approximately 16 cm high, 24 cm wide and 10 cm deep. The light bulb (24 W, 6 V) is housed within a metal container provided with a circular opening through which the light beam impinges upon the fixed reflector. The fixed reflector direct the light beam onto the rotating reflector, which projects it through a slit in the box onto the pictorial surface. The forms of moving light images projected onto a surface are determined by the shapes given to the fixed and rotating reflectors. The speed of the continuously changing forms is controlled by the rotating reflector and the distance from the reflector to the pictorial surface.


Valerios Caloutsis, Kinetic Art: The Kinoptic System, in «Leonardo», Vol. 3, No. 4 (Oct., 1970), The Mitt Press, 01/01/1970, Cambridge
tipologia Intervento in periodico
ambito Media Art


pp. 433-434


Kinoptic System (Eng)

Voci correlate

Lumia (Eng)