
Granville, Wilfred


Wilfred Granville, A dictionary of theatrical terms, Andre Deutsch, 01/01/1912, London


Transparency (Eng), Black Light (Eng), Before the lights (Eng), Black (Eng), Black out (Eng), Black turn (Eng), Blacks (Eng), Blanking paper (Eng), Blobby (Eng), Board-light (Eng), Bon bon (Eng), Boomerang (Eng), Bottom lighting (Eng), Bring in (Eng), Bunch lights (Eng), Check the house (Eng), Colour circuit (Eng), Cyclorama (Eng), Cyke (Eng), Dark (Eng), Dark-blue evening dress (Eng), Dead (Eng), D.B.O. (Eng), Delicolour controller (Eng), Dim (Eng), Dimmer (Eng), Dip (Eng), Disappearing footlights (Eng), Dome (Eng), Dominant lighting (Eng), Effect projectors (Eng), Eye-black (Eng), Fire commissioner (Eng), Fireplace backing (Eng), Fireproof (Eng), Flash powder (Eng), Footlight well (Eng), Footlights (Eng), Frost (Eng), Gelatine (Eng), Green (Eng), Green lime (Eng), Green rag (Eng), Green room (Eng), Half up (Eng), Highlight (Eng), Horizontal floods (Eng), Horizontal line of sight (Eng), Hot-black (Eng), Hot spot (Eng), House (Eng), House lights (Eng), Indipendents (Eng), Light check (Eng), Lightning sticks (Eng), Lime juice (Eng), Limelight man (Eng), Limes (Eng), Line of sight (Eng), Make-up (Eng), Mask in (Eng), Medium frame (Eng), Name in lights (Eng), Open in a black-out (Eng), Paint-frame (Eng), Perches (Eng), Pin-Point (Eng), Pin spot (Eng), Police lights (Eng), Powder (Eng), Pre-set board (Eng), Projector (Eng), Rest lights (Eng), Revolving batten (Eng), Rig lights (Eng), Ring up/down (Eng), Set lights (Eng), Signals (Eng), Sparks (Eng), Spot bar (Eng), Spot frost (Eng), Spot-line (Eng), Spotting-attachment (Eng), Spread (Eng), Top lighting (Eng), Trough (Eng), Ultra-violet (Eng), Vision (Eng), Warning and go (Eng), Water black (Eng), Wing floods (Eng), Working light (Eng), Full up of lights (Eng)