
Light Projection Display






I have already explained these objects in my patent 1.406.663. granted February 14, 1922, and the present case brings improvements with respect to the preceding case. A particular objective of the present case is an embodiment and involves features of improvement over the prior case [...] I include a wall or any surface which is white or of light color, adapted to receive the projected effects. The box is showned as formed with a rigid front wall, which is provided with an aperture in front of the lamp position and in the general axial line with the lamp, lens, screens, and curtain […] In the optical axis, behind the front of the wall aperture, is shown a lens, whih may be of various types, and may be tilted slightly out of the usual or normal position, so as to give a species of distorted projection […] The lamp circuits include a line wire extending to the contact of a rheostat, the coil of which is connected by a wire with a brush constantly in contact with a collector ring on the exterior of the carriage. Alongside the ring is a second ring contacted by a brush which is connected by a wire to the other line wire […] A system of wires extend from the post to the several lamps or their collector rings, and a complementaty system of wires conduct the current back to the other post.


Thomas Wilfred, Light Projection Display, United Stated Patent Office, 18/08/1925, New York


Patent n. 527,783


L'estratto fa parte del secondo brevetto del Clavilux progettato e brevettato da Thomas Wilfred nel 1922 e nuovamente nel 1925


Clavilux (Eng)