
Light Projection Display






The main object of the invention is to enable the projection upon a suitable curtain or background of pleasing or stirring effects in lights and shadows or colors, the production of endless variations in tone and pattern or design, yelding harmonies or contrasts of various sorts, enhanced by progressive change or motion of pattern, shape, color or shadow in various or otherwise entertaining, all under the control either of chance or of the intention and purpose of the expert or artist, who creative skill may develop effects of desidered nature in sequence involving a rhythm of light, shadow, color and form comparable in enjoyment by a spectator to a composition of music […] I prefer an electric lamp of the filament type, the filament of which may be of three dimensional geometric figure, to the enhancement of the producible effects. A second essential element is a lens, by which I intend to include a glass, preferably of curved surface […] Relative movement between the lamp and lens is a feature of this invention […] The element of color: I preferably introduce by one or more shiftable transparent colored glasses, which are shown as arranged of the lens.


Thomas Wilfred, Light Projection Display, United Stated Patent Office, 14/02/1922, New York


Patent No.1,406,663


L'estratto fa parte del primo brevetto del Clavilux progettato da Thomas Wilfred. Lo strumento di Wilfred impiegava sei proiettori controllati da una “tastiera” che consentiva non solo di comporre una partitura luminosa per colori, ma anche di regolare l’intensità della luce.


Clavilux (Eng)