
Kinetic Art: Paintings with Electric Light






In my kinetic paintings, light is projected only through moving components onto the translucent screen, so that the composition on the screen is continuously changing and repetition of the same composition occurs only after a very long period of time, of the order of thousands of hours […] In most of my paintings, I use the following combination of motor-driven components between the lights and the screen: four counter-rotating discs of 25 cm diameter in a plane; two counter-rotating discs of 50 cm diameter in a plane and two continuous belts moving in opposite directions. The belts are made of Mylar and are 46 cm in width. Their length is respectively 140 cm for the inside belt and 160 cm for the outside belt. The latter may have a length of 270 cm and in this case it not only forms a loop around the shorter one but also makes an additional loop alongside it. The larger discs and the translucent screen are made of 2 mm-thick Plexiglas and the smaller discs of 1-5 mm Plexiglas. The translucent screen has dimensions of 50 x 45 cm. The depth of the case is normally 6cm. Essentially uniform illumination is provided by twenty 12 V lamps of 4 W each. The moving components of the system are driven by two silent synchronous motors with gears made of Nylon.


Giorgio Giusti, Kinetic Art: Paintings with Electric Light , in «Leonardo», Vol. 6, No. 2, The Mitt Press, 01/04/1973, Cambridge


pp. 145-146


Kinetic paintings (Eng)

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Lumia (Eng), Kinoptic System (Eng)