In Germany the Hungarian Laszlo, claims to have[...]
In Germany the Hungarian Laszlo, claims to have created a new mechanism which is also based on the theory of the interdependence between acoustical and optical impressions. His "Farbenlichtklavier", or "colour-light-piano" projects on a screen colors and shadows which are intended to form an accompaniment for a musical composition written expressly for "coloured light and piano". [...] his optical compositions as they were shown at the Theatre Exhibition in Magdeburg [...] were the result of the primitive method of superimposing one colour on another and of the employment of a certain number of diapositives treated with banal colours.
Samuel James Hume, Walter Ren Fuerst, Stage Lighting , in Walter Ren Fuerst, Samuel James Hume, «Twentieth Century Stage Decoration», 2 volumi, Alfred A. Knopf, Ltd. Publishers, 01/01/1928, London
I, pp. 114-115
Gli autori commentano che le composizioni proiettate erano povere dal punto di vista espressivo.
Farblichtklavier (Ger/deu)
Colour Music (Eng), Colour organ (Eng), Superimposition (Ita)